December 3, 2020 / Category: Project Updates, survey

Second launch of our RENAISSANCE survey in pilot sites

by Rebecca Hueting – Dissemination Team, DEEP BLUE Italy


We are glad to announce that a second launch of our RENAISSANCE survey is now active. The “RENAISSANCE survey on renewable energies and community-based solutions” assesses the social aspects influencing the acceptance of renewables, including local energy generation technologies.

In spring 2020 we distributed the questionnaire across a wide basin of respondents, receiving more than 200 answers from all across Europe. With this second launch we have the ambition of collecting more answers from people living in the pilot sites and their vicinities, in order to assess specific factors of acceptance of RENAISSANCE solutions and of Energy Communities in general.

Even if you do not live in one of our pilots, please choose your favourite language and find out how Energy Communities can reshape the European energy system!

TAKE YOUR TIME: we translated the survey in seven different languages!

The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Please share it among your peers and friends and let them know what opportunities are there in the future prosumers centred energy market. A progress bar will guide you until final submission.

Submit your answers now:


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By January 2021 a full report about main findings of the survey will be published in this website resources section. Keep updated!

Go to Resources  First launch of the survey


RENAISSANCE survey on renewable energy and community solutions

First insights from RENAISSANCE survey



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