RENAISSANCE paper: Implementing a just renewable energy transition: Policy advice for transposing the new European rules for renewable energy communities

1,2 – Christina E. Hoickaa
3 – Jens Lowitzsch
4 – Marie Claire Brisbois
5 – Ankit Kumar
6,7 – Luis Ramirez Camargo

1- Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Greater Victoria, Canada
2- Department of Civil Engineering, University of Victoria, Greater Victoria, Canada
3- Faculty of Business Administration and Economics, Europa Universität Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder), Germany
4- Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), School of Business, University of Sussex, United Kingdom
5- Department of Geography, The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
6- Institute for Sustainable Economic Development, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
7- Electric Vehicle and Energy Research Group (EVERGI), Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Centre (MOBI), Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium

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RENAISSANCE paper: Short-Term Load Forecasting in a microgrid environment: Investigating the series-specific and cross-learning forecasting methods

1- Evgenii Genov
2- Stefanos Petridis
2- Petros IIiadis
2- Nikos Nikopoulos
1- Thierry Coosemans
1- Maarten Messagie
1- Luis Ramirez Camargo

1- Electric Vehicle and Energy Research Group (EVERGI), Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Centre (MOBI), Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
2- Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH

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RENAISSANCE paper (in Greek): Student residence’s energy community operation assessment in Democritus Univeristy of Thrace

1- A. G. Papatsounis
1- P. N. Botsaris
1- K. Lymperopoulos
2,3 – R. Rotas
2- Z. Kanellia
2,4 – P. Iliadis
2 – N. Nikolopoulos

1 Department of Production Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace – DUTH
2 Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute, Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH
3 Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – AUT
4 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace – DUTH

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RENAISSANCE paper: Developing a Business Case for a Renewable Energy Community in a Public Housing Settlement in Greece – The Case of a Student Housing and Its Challenges, Prospects and Barriers

1- Pantelis N. Botsaris
1- Paraskevi Giourka
1- Adamantios Papatsounis
1- Paraskevi Dimitriadou
2 – Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta
3- Christos Patsonakis

1 Department of Production Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace – DUTH
2 Ikerlan Technology Research Centre, Basque Research and Technology Alliance – IKE /BRTA
3 Center for Research and Technology Hellas – CERTH

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RENAISSANCE paper: Beyond the State of the Art of Electric Vehicles: A Fact-Based Paper of the Current and Prospective Electric Vehicle Technologies

Joeri Van Mierlo
Maitane Berecibar
Mohamed El Baghdadi
Cedric De Cauwer
Maarten Messagie
Thierry Coosemans
Valéry Ann Jacobs
Omar Hegazy

From the Mobility, Logistics and Automotive Technology Research Centre (MOBI), Department of Electrical Engineering and Energy Technology (ETEC), Faculty of Engineering, VUB – Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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RENAISSANCE paper (in Spanish): RENAISSANCE – Nuevos mercados y modelos de desarrollo para las comunidades locales de energia

Nerea Goitia-Zabaleta, Investigadora predoctoral, IKERLAN
Aitor Milo, Investigador, IKERLAN
Pilar Meneses, Investigadora, IKERLAN
Haizea Gaztañaga, Responsable de equipo “Gestión de energía Eléctrica y Térmica”, IKERLAN
Elvira Fernandez, Profesora/Investigadora, UPV/EHU (Universidad del País Vasco), Depart. Ing. Eléctrica
Gregorio Fernández Aznar, Investigador, CIRCE
Hans Bludszuweit, Investigador, CIRCE
Jesús Torres, Responsable de equipo “Integración TIC”, CIRCE

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