Responsible fun challenges with EnerJettic
by Shary Heuninckx @VUB and Nikolas Giampaolo @Deep Blue Italy How did we engage students in responsible fun challenges with EnerJettic? With energy…
by Shary Heuninckx @VUB and Nikolas Giampaolo @Deep Blue Italy How did we engage students in responsible fun challenges with EnerJettic? With energy…
by Antje Nettelbeck @Bax&Co and Nikolas Giampaolo @Deep Blue Italy Last 31st of May the Policy Workshop and second ESG Meeting took place…
by Rebecca Hueting, dissemination team @Deep Blue Italy With the aim of collecting informed feedback from policy makers and our external stakeholder group…
by Rebecca Hueting, Deep Blue, project dissemination team After our first months of work, time has come to take stock of the…
On 29th of July the WP5 members joined the meeting in Madrid, coordinated by Miguel Fontela who started introducing tasks and work to…
The WP5 team, composed by Pilot Sites leaders and main technology partners, will meet in Madrid next 29th of July at Exeleria’s headquarters….
On 14th of May 2019 the first Consortium meeting took place at the Green Energy Park Zellik in Brussels. After mutual presentations, morning…