November 22, 2021 / Category: New resource, Project Result, Project Updates

Four energy communities on video

by Nikolas Giampaolo, project consultant @Deep Blue Italy

We are very proud to offer our readers the possibility of watching all our four energy communities on video! During the past months we had the chance to travel to all European pilot sites and by recording the walking tours, organised in June 2021 in the context of the European Green Week as partner events, we wanted to catch their peculiarities and offer a few examples of what a REC or a LEC could mean for a community.

Each Local Energy Community is different from the other and by interviewing walking tours and onboarding events participants we collected impressions and ideas for improvement. Moreover involved stakeholders and partners could provide some general and more technical information to attendees and, indirectly, to all people following our project advancements. 

The full set of videos is available on our YouTube playlist, together with other 20 videos published so far. It includes the full set of videos showcasing the tools supporting local energy systems design, engagement and management.

Full playlist

Here below you can watch the interviews taken in all our pilot sites in Brussels, Greece, Spain and the Netherlands:



MANZANEDA (spanish)


To have an overview of the project objectives, watch the project teaser realised in motion graphics:


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