September 28, 2020 / Category: MAMCA, Project Updates

Decentralised power production through edge computing

by C. Patsonakis, D. Ioannidis, D. Tzovaras – CERTH/ITI and N.Nikolopoulos, P. Iliadis, R. Rotas – CERTH/CPERI
with contributions from Aristotelis Spiliotis and Mary Panou – CERTH/HIT


In line with the objective of demonstrating both the capacity and potential of Local Energy Communities (LEC), in this article we offer details about the decentralised power production through edge computing. RENAISSANCE project foresees the development of innovative electronic tools geared at supporting human resources, which will feature one of the active energy communities involved, the greek pilot site in Xanthi, Kimmeria. The Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), besides its role in supporting the implementation and operation of the pilot, constitutes the core technology provider.

RENAISSANCE RE-Energise tool

RENAISSANCE Re-Energise tool will include several features. Here the three main ones:

  1. The Multi-vector Optimization tool will be able to provide all interested stakeholders of future energy communities with various optimised design configurations, customised components and operational guidelines to facilitate the growth of flexible networks. Such a tool will foster the transition of energy production towards a more resilient and balanced prosumer oriented system.
  2. The Social Engine platform, an associated digital tool of RENAISSANCE, will formulate a permanent mechanism for the user involvement, whether they are energy consumers or prosumers, through a highly engaging environment of shared activities and extensive user interaction capabilities.
  3. The RENAISSANCE Information Platform will allow for daily operational management of local energy communities encompassing technical operation, peer-to-peer trading and interaction with the involved stakeholders.
  4. The blockchain infrastructure alongside a smart contract editor will facilitate the dynamic creation of smart contracts, leveraging the RENAISSANCE platform and the system’s overall architecture in achieving the most fitting business model outline.

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Fog ready devices, smart meters and consumption forecasting

CERTH is also heavily committed to machine-to-machine interaction. To this end, it will develop novel Fog Ready Devices (FRDs) that will replace conventional smart meters and will incorporate forecasting intelligence and data analysis. The research team will develop, test and validate both simulation and real-time decision tools for the operation of the micro-grid, on the basis of actual worth making business models, which can add value for the benefit of all relevant stakeholders (prosumers, distributors, end-users). As a consequence, it will facilitate optimization of the overall energy portfolio.

Dynamic simulations have become an indispensable tool for energy system designers as they assist them in understanding the overall system’s behavior. In the context of RENAISSANCE project, detailed dynamic models will be developed for the Greek and Spanish demo-site energy systems that will enhance its design and performance towards the best fitting profiles for all energy vectors (e.g. heating, cooling and electricity).


example of fog computing in an energy sysyem

An example of a fog network. Image source:

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