by Rebecca Hueting – dissemination team at Deep Blue Italy
What is an Energy Nodes Integration? The new resource uploaded is the deliverable D4.2 recently submitted, which aim it to present in detail the Energy Nodes design and development, as part of the RENAISSANCE ROP Platform. It is the prime outcome of the work that has been carried out within Task 4.2 (RENAISSANCE Energy Node Integration), the backbone of which is based on the Fog Ready Devices (FRDs); cutting-edge technology smart devices that will be used for monitoring and control of facilities that belong to a Local Energy Community (LEC).
The document covers all hardware and software specifications of the aforementioned devices. Novel forecasting modules have been developed, in order to assist the decision support mechanisms that will guide the participation of LEC members in the Blockchain-based Smart Contract Marketplaces. Significant mention, the electricity price forecasting tool developed within the RENAISSANCE project, which takes into consideration both day ahead and intraday markets. The FRDs, also, support Demand Side Management (DSM) signals exchanging based on OpenADR protocol. Specific entities were developed to facilitate the communication in both ends, Virtual Top Node (VTN) and Virtual End Node (VEN). Also, the needed communication between the FRDs and external sources is achieved using a Unified API component. All the functionalities are accessible to the different entities of a LEC (prosumers, consumers, installation technicians, etc.) via the User Interface (UI) that has been developed and presented in the deliverable.
During the STEER IT UP Event the RENAISSANCE ROP platform was showcased, including how these tools will be accessible to the members of the energy communities. Thanks to the kind support of our colleague Zoi Boutopolou from CERTH-ITI Greek research institute for the explanatory video..
Watch the video recording of the session here below or find all the tools recordings on our YouTube playlist
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